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2019-09-25 16:54:18  点击量:

  The final report of the ACCC's Wine Grape market study makes ten recommendations to improve the efficiency and fairness of wine grape markets in Australia's warm climate grape growing regions, wher most of Australia's wine is produced.“We remain concerned about harmful market practices we have uncovered during the past 12 months, which stem from the bargaining power imbalance that exists between winemakers and growers,” ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh said. “Our final recommendations include measures to address this imbalance between grape growers and large winemakers, as well as ways of boosting price transparency in the market and improving grape quality assessment.”The ACCC has recommended all winemakers phase out long-term payment periods in their contracts with growers, and that large winemakers make payment within 30 days of grape delivery.

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